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Saunders has a number of 5T and 2T cooling units available for rent. These units are ideal for server and equipment rooms, office spaces, and small tents and can be added to existing power solution packages for a one stop shop for power and cooling. They are available to rent as an HVAC package by themselves. Saunders also provides ducting for airflow and return so please coordinate your needs with your Saunders representative. In addition to our rental HVAC stock, we have relationships with vendors across the country to provide larger units as needed for your production and will coordinate power and HVAC for your next event.

Product Specifications:
Energy Efficient model designed for outdoor use
Power requirements 50A 1Ø with California Hubbell or CamLok® input at 208V/240V
Thermostat controlled
On casters with roll bars for protection while transporting unit
Footprint 52”X57”

Product Specifications:
Power requirements 15A circuit with 10’ Edison tail
Thermostat controlled
Water condensation tray with auto shut off
Foot print 2’X2’

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